Sunday, January 4, 2015

Halloween Night

We have finally made it to Halloween (as I sit here writing on New Years Eve), but don't fret this is NOT the last time you will be seeing Bennett in his Iron Man costume.  He tends to want to wear it all the time and sometimes I just go with it, I'm cool like that.  I can't lie to you, I was not excited at all about the costumes that the boys wanted this year.  You must know I grew up with homemade awesome costumes all my life.  I said what I wanted to be and then magically an Alice in Wonderland costume was right there, or a Care Bear or my personal favorite Pippy Longstocking.  Not my kids, all they wanted were store bought costumes.  Wah Wah.  And Nolan proceeded to pick out the most boring one there was (or so I thought).  I tell you what though, those boys LOVED their costumes and it turns out when they love their costumes they are in great moods and even let me take their pictures.  It might help that both of them have masks on so you can't even tell they are my children at all or if they are smiling, but I know and that's all that matters!  So I stand corrected on the costume situation this year, but that doesn't mean I won't try and convince them again next year to do something a little less main stream ;)  A girl can dream.

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