Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Christmas Eve

I know this post might appear a little confusing.  There are Christmas trees, presents and...Halloween costumes.  Yep, you read that right.  Bennett decided his Christmas Eve attire this year would be his Iron Man Costume.  We all know by now that kids in superhero costumes are my weakness and I always give in, even on Christmas Eve.  When I made all the kids sit down to take the annual picture before we start opening presents I could feel the eyes on me wondering "is she really going to let him wear that".  Why yes, yes I am.  1. It's cute 2.  It's Bennett and we pick or battles with that little angel (sarcasm, lots of sarcasm).  So anyway, this is indeed a Christmas Eve post in case you were confused.  We had a great time.  We ate really well. And we all got spoiled with perfect presents.  For the record, even the Kinetic Sand gets an A+ from me.  Once in a while I can throw caution to the wind and embrace a gigantic mess.  Yep, I'm crazy like that.  Now the megaphone, that has been harder for me to embrace.  That might "accidentally" break.


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