Thursday, January 31, 2013


Nolan has a girlfriend.  Now he has had girlfriends in the past, but really just because that's what I call all of his friends that are girls just so I can tease him about it.  But this time…I say he has a girlfriend because I really think he likes this little girl.  I'm going to call her Miss C (trying to protect the innocent here, Nolan lost that right when I became his Mom).  Nolan is playing with Miss C everyday when I pick him up from school.  Sometimes there are other kids playing with them too, but he is always with Miss C.  I can not lie to you folks, he knows how to pick em.  Little Miss C is absolutely precious, and she has me wrapped around her little finger too.  Anyway, yesterday when I picked Nolan up my heart broke and I'm thinking his did a little bit too. Miss C was playing hard to get in a major way.  She was skipping around the room with two other little girls without a care in the world (again looking precious).  Nolan wanted DESPERATELY to say goodbye to her.  So he ran after her and stood directly in front of her and said "goodbye Miss C"…she kept on skipping.  He ran after her, again "goodbye Miss C"…she kept on skipping.  She was TOTALLY ignoring him, but he kept on.  Eventually she said goodbye, but it was not an excited goodbye.  Nolan walked over with sad eyes and said "Miss C won't talk to me".  I about cried, no joke there were almost tears.  His feelings were so hurt.  I tried the whole "oh she's just busy with her friends" routine but I think he was on to me.  I can not even imagine how his teenage years will go, I have a feeling there really will be tears…from me.

I was anxious to get back to school today to see if the situation had changed.  I'm happy to report the romance is back in full swing.  Nolan and Miss C were standing at the table playing legos together, and before we left Nolan gave Miss C the lego house that he had built.  I think that means love yes?  You betcha.  I mean how could she resist this...

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