Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Patch

We waited a long time to go to the Pumpkin Patch this year…too long.  The day we finally picked to go I do believe is the same day that every other family in the surrounding 12 counties decided to go as well.  Bottom line…it was crowded.  Super duper annoyingly crowded.  It was also super sunny.  Regardless of how whiney this post may sound I will say the boys loved it.  Bennett was bee-bopping around the whole place but mostly obsessed with the pumpkins. "Big Pump-kin Mama", "Wow, Pump-kin".  He probably would have been just as happy at the grocery store display looking at all the pumpkins now that I think about it.  Maybe next year.  Here was our little adventure…

Here's that stud muffin husband of mine.  Doesn't he look tough, all macho like carrying around our $20 pumpkin that I realize we could have bought at Aldi for $3.99.  What fun would that be though?  Plus, this $20 pumpkin rotted on our front porch the following week.  Beat that Aldi.


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