Sunday, October 6, 2013


Nolan did it up right for his birthday this year.  On his actual birthday we went to the Cardinals game.  To make it even more awesome…we sat in the first row! You see, this was an extra special Cardinals game because we were celebrating Nolan's Fifth Birthday AND we were also celebrating Bennett's first Cardinals game.  We had very low expectations for this outing (except the fact that we really thought Nolan would get a baseball from the field…and he sure did!).  We figured we would go and stay for a few innings and then head home before Bennett completely lost it.  To our surprise Bennett was an excellent fan.  He clapped at the appropriate times, he watched intently, he ate a lot and he danced to the music.  Quite frankly I think he liked the game more than Nolan did.  We were shocked.  We were also shocked that we ended up staying for the entire game.  As it turns out it was a pretty good game and up until the last out the pitcher had thrown a no hitter, so apparently it would have been sinful to leave before the end.  I will say staying until the end has it's benefits.  We got to see Fredbird run the flag down the field and we also got to see some fireworks for a Cardinal win.  We had a perfect little evening enjoying Cardinal Nation.

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