Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mom's Day

As much as we enjoyed our relaxing day away from the kids we were just as excited to spend our special day with them.  When the Dads had the kids for the day they decided to go to the park and then spend the afternoon at the pool.  By the time we got home for the day they were all but dancing around the kitchen like taking care of 8 rug rats was no big thing.  Of course that only fueled our competitive juices.  So we saw their day at the park and raised them a trip to the Aquarium…in Charleston!  That's right we were a smidge more ambitious than our grooms.  While our trip was also a success, I believe we came home nothing short of exhausted!  And if I'm being honest,  I'm not sure we were dancing around the kitchen either.  But it was worth it and I think the kids enjoyed both of their special days.

Here was an attempt at a group picture.  One problem, Connor is missing.  Seems his Mom has a small bladder and they went straight to the potty upon arrival.  No worries, we'll attempt a group shot again later I'm sure ;).

Our day even included a little education.  Top that boys. The kids all look pretty interested, Julia…not so much.

Nolan even got to feed a crab his lunch.  The little kids watched in amazement.

For some reason I find this next picture humorous.  It looks like that stingray is smiling at Nolan doesn't it?  Smile or not, Nolan bolted after he turned around and saw him.

Awww, he came back for a photo opportunity with Connor...sans stingray.

As we were leaving I attempted to get a picture with the boys.  The one on the left is nice but I really adore the one on the right because it shows more of their personalities.  Bennett happy because he's flying a helicopter on Nolan's head (annoying him) and Nolan tolerating his little brother's shenanigans, a true reflection of our lives.  


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