Thursday, September 26, 2013

5...and Proud of It

Somehow, in what seems like a blink of an eye, Nolan turned 5 this week.  5…did you hear me?  F-I-V-E!  How did that happen?  Well Mr. Nolan was super duper excited for this milestone, he has been doing a countdown for about two weeks now.  Actually, the countdown hasn't stopped because now he is counting down the days until his party!  The nerve of his Mom to plan a party AFTER his actual birthday.  If he only knew I was doing him a favor by prolonging his "Birthday Week".  I like my birthday to last a week so I figured he would appreciate the same!

What can I say about Nolan?  He continues to amaze me with his kind heart and easy going personality.  He adores his little brother and he also adores antagonizing his little brother...we just hope we get more of the straight up adoring in our days and less of the antagonizing!  He loves legos, swimming, playing with his friends and superheroes.  He is most content when he is involved in some sort of imaginary play and more importantly…dressed the part.  He has his moments when he acts his age and throws us some attitude; dude man is smart and he uses it against us sometimes.  Good thing we are smart too!  Attitude aside, he truly is just a good kid.  All of the little boys look up to him so much.  I can't lie…he's not a bad example.

Happy Birthday Buddy Boy…we love you bunches!


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