Monday, October 28, 2013

The Magician

Oh Jack, Jack, Jack…what can I say?  I love me some Jack.  This kid has so much personality in his little body I don't know how he keeps it in, oh wait…he doesn't!  When Jack does something he does it all out, and that brings us to these pictures.  Jack's Mom mentioned to me one day that Jack was into magic tricks.  So for his birthday I found a kids magic set, top hat and wand for the budding magician.  Well turns out Jack really liked it…or at least the hat!  So the day of his pictures he told his Mom he was going to wear the hat and the awesome part…she let him.  I'm a big fan of letting kids wear/bring/use things they are into at the time in their pictures.  It will help us remember those quirky little things when they are big.  And to be honest when he was wearing the hat he was genuinely happy and hence took adorable pictures.  Win/Win for everyone!

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