Sunday, October 27, 2013

Payton Turns One

A few weeks ago I did a rapid fire photo session for three special people about to have some pretty important birthdays.  Today I'm going to share the photos from one of the sessions.  On this particular day it ended up being FREEZING outside.  They day before, warm and sunny.  This morning…freezing.  Did I mention freezing?  Well poor Payton here didn't exactly have a winter parka picked out for her shoot.  So we kept her all wrapped up until the very last second and then threw her on the the blanket and crossed our fingers.  She was a super good sport but had her limits!

She humored us through the first outfit, and when we tried to put warmer clothing on her for the second half she let us know she was done!  While we didn't get a ton of pictures on this particular morning, I think the ones we did get are precious and this little lady will be celebrating her first birthday in style!

Turns out she is much happier in her Mama's arms...

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