Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I desperately tried to get out of work early today.  The goal was to grab a quick dinner, get the kids ready in their costumes (while it was still light out), take some pictures and then leisurely walk around the neighborhood with the boys and get some scrumptious candy.  Hmmmmm.  Nothing ever works out as planned at this house that is for sure.  I got out of work late, I sat in line at a drive thru for 30+ minutes, they forgot my cheese sauce (which is a HUGE no no in my book), we didn't get costumes on until well past dark and then to top it off I yelled at the kids for not cooperating for pictures yet again.  Tonight I lost all of my patience, every last ounce that was left in my body.  There I said it, I suck.  But then we started on our embark around the neighborhood where Nolan took way too  long at each house because he had to have a 30 minute conversation with everyone and Bennett watched in amazement from his stroller and I realized (too late) that it wasn't about the perfect picture tonight.  It was about the kids having fun, and I believe that was accomplished.  So Halloween at this house was a success.  Could we have survived without my little temper tantrum…perhaps.  But what fun would that be?

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