Thursday, October 25, 2012

Field Trip

Last week I got to join Nolan on his first ever field trip.  He was pretty excited about the field trip, but he wasn't as excited that I was going instead of his Dad.  One day that boy will learn that I am WAY cooler than his Dad, until then I will tell him lies embellishments like Dads aren't allowed on the field trip only Moms (totally would have worked until the ONE freaking Dad showed up).  So we headed to the Pumpkin Patch where I finally got to hang out with Nolan and his best bud.  I had heard a lot about this little guy and had met him once before but this was the first time I really experienced them together and it was not a disappointment.  They are a riot together, totally feed off one another and it's awesome.  We had Parent Teacher conferences the night before and we brought up to the teacher that we were a little concerned about Nolan and how well he socialized with other kids because at times he can be shy around other kids.  The teacher looked at us like we were crazy and now I understood why.  Jacob and Nolan are certainly the life of the party in this preschool class and THAT my friends he definitely gets from his Momma.  You are welcome Nolan.


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