Wednesday, October 24, 2012


There are certain perks associated with my hobby of photography.  It often means I get to catch up with old friends that I haven't seen in a while and this past weekend I got to do just that.  I met up with Domski (sorry, I'll always call you that...married or not), her hubby and her ADORABLE little girl Macie.  Macie just turned one and it was time to commemorate the occasion with a few (hundred) pictures.  I'm so glad Domski called me to take the pictures, it was great to see her and get a glimpse of her "new" life.  A far cry from the Sigma House,  though I think she still secretively sports her yellow pledge jacket every now and again for old times sake! Am I right?  Don't be ashamed, I still wear my bid day shirt around town...holes and all!  Better keep that jacket in mint condition, Macie might follow in your footsteps one day…YIKES!


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