Monday, October 1, 2012

Because of his Dad

Nolan was sitting at the table enjoying a delicious warm homemade brownie (#bestmomever) with his Dad and here is the conversation I overhear:

Chad: Nolan Robert, why are you so cute?
Nolan:  (insert shoulder shrug) I guess because of my Dad.

Insert BARFING from my side of the table.  Brainwashed at 4, I claim no responsibility.

On a side note, it seems Nolan is going through another sunglass phase.  So the other night as we walked back to our car after the festival (in the dark) I went ahead and taught him the lyrics to "Sunglasses at Night"…or at least the two lines of the song I know.  So next time you see him in the dark, in his sunglasses you should totally have him serenade you.  Trust me, it's worth it.  He not only sings, but he adds a little hip shake as well.  Must get that from his Dad too.

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