Sunday, October 7, 2012

Monkey See…Monkey Do

My Mom has a little table set up in the basement for Nolan.  He mainly uses it when he is playing with something that Bennett can not…so all the time really.  It could probably be referred to as the choking hazard table most days of the week because that is what occupies it 95% of the time, small itty bitty tiny pieces of things (think legos, squinkies, army guys).  Well Nolan was at the Farm today with Chad and I guess Bennett saw this as his opportunity to play at the big boy table.  I walked into the living room to find him sitting in the chair, swinging his feet with joy with a pile of guys in front of him.  Have I mentioned he's a climber?  I grabbed my camera really quickly as to not miss the moment, little did I know he would remain there for a good half hour.  It was really quite cute, until it became a game of "uh oh" where he proceeded to continually throw guys of the table say "uh oh" and wait for me to retrieve.  Game Over.  I guess Nolan will be needing a higher table Grandma, Bennett has officially conquered this one!

Who is impressed that the kid is actually wearing shoes in these pictures?  Because THIS CHICK is!  Do you also love that he is wearing his Sunday Best to play guys?  Let me assure you that is only because I was going to attempt to take his One Year Pictures (almost 2 months late) but apparently I need an assistant for that because all he wanted to do was climb off the bench which meant all I was doing was running back and forth catching him.  Pictures = Fail.  Jessie I will be needing your assistance shortly...Kidding…not really.

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