Friday, October 19, 2012


Confession:  There is nothing I dread more than attempting to take "posed" pictures of my children.   I get beyond frustrated with them because I have 1 million pictures of everyone else's children smiling and giggling and LOOKING AT THE CAMERA and I never manage to get any of my own kids.  They both hate the camera.  Chad says it's my fault for shoving it in their face all the time but if they would just cooperate I wouldn't have to do it so much…right?  Well anyway, I attempted their 4 year and 1 year pictures the other day and it was pretty much well a disaster.  Here is how it went down…

It actually started out quite well with Nolan.  He sat down for his two pictures, smiled a not horribly goofy smile, and I was thinking WOOHOO finally today is the day!

Nolan was doing okay so I thought it was time to send in the next victim.  I will give Bennett a little credit here you can tell by his little eyes that he wasn't feeling great…allergies or a cold I don't know but I was determined to get this done.  So I took a picture of the two of them together.  Not great…not horrible.  But I figured I'd have another shot at it later.  Right?

Wrong!  Next thing I knew Nolan had left the premises and Captain America had returned in his place. So I guess that meant "Nolan" was done with pictures for the day.  Awesome.

So victim number two got the rest of my insanity and he pretty much well hated every last second of it. There was a lot of crawling/walking away, a lot of thumb sucking, a lot of nose wiping, a few squeals and in the end only a few salvageable pictures.  I haven't decided yet if I am brave enough for picture retake day, maybe if I can talk a certain husband into helping me!  I guess we shall see!


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