Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Well it's happening.  Our house is finally starting to look like a real house, not just dirt and wood sitting around on the ground but an actual real life house!  It's amazing how fast everything seems to go…yet how VERY SLOW at the same time.  I think we have officially made all of the big decisions so now we just get to sit back and watch it come to life!  Come on December.

Here is a picture of one of my favorite things.  At the end of this room you can see the beginnings of our fireplace.  I have always dreamt of having a fireplace.  Why you ask?  No, I am not a big fire person I may never actually use it for it's real purpose ever.  I really just want it for my Christmas stockings.  It's the little things in life people.  So let's keep those fingers crossed that we get in the house in time to put those bad boys up (better yet let's keep those fingers crossed that we can actually find those stockings when we move in).

And here is Chad's favorite part…his office.  Apparently he thinks working from the couch or the kitchen table is not appropriate?  I don't really get it.  Oh but if my Mom asks…this is the guest room (aka her room).

This next picture is Bennett's room.  These closets were a little bit of an "issue".  The builder had originally built one big closet.  Upon seeing it I decided that I really wanted two smaller closets, to open the room up because I foresee two little boys who will want to sleep in the same room some day as that is their preference here at Grandma's house.  So we had them tear down the old closet and build two new ones.  They love me, they really do.  Sooooo I am showing you this so that when you come visit you Ewwww and Awwww over these closets like it was the BEST IDEA EVER…then Chad might think so too.

Here is Bennett seeing his closets…he loved them!  Please note Chad's cheesy smile.  I said to him (right after I took a picture of them where he looked none too happy) "why do you always have to look at my camera with such an annoyed face"…and so I got the below look on the second shot.  Little does he know I enjoy his smart-ass smile and will share it with the world.  He really should know better.

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