Monday, May 14, 2012

Mom's Day

 Well yesterday was Mother's Day.  Chad asked me what I wanted to do, and I think I responded with "I want to sleep".  And to be honest...that was no lie that was really what I wanted to do.  However, Nolan decided to wake up at 6:30am!  6:30, is he crazy?  But then I walked downstairs to see him preparing these for me.  I knew it had to be Mother's Day because Chad would have NEVER put chocolate chips in the pancakes otherwise.  I usually put peanut butter on my pancakes and that totally grosses Chad out.  I almost put peanut butter on these pancakes as well, but thought Chad might vomit if I did.  The things I do for him.

I attempted to get a picture of Nolan making the pancakes, no go.  I attempted to get a picture with Nolan, no go.  He was too busy running around the house doing stuff like this...

We then went over to Chad's parent's house for dinner.  Where Bennett apparently thought Aunt Mandy was HILLARIOIUS...
(maybe she should have joined us for family pictures!).

I did sneak in a photo with Bennett, and for once I think my hair is crazier than his!  I kind of thought that was impossible, but apparently not!  My new mission is to be in more photos with the boys though, so crazy hair or not here I am!

We did manage to get one picture of Grandma with all the Grandkids (minus two that weren't there).  And to my surprise it turned out pretty good actually.
Even though I kind of wanted to use this picture because this is more the reality of what I deal with on a normal basis with Nolan...doesn't he look thrilled?

1 comment:

  1. So I'm looking at the cousins photo & it's adorable but all my mind keeps wondering is "ear plastic surgery available & is it expensive?" My kids are never going to grow into those suckers.


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