Friday, May 11, 2012

One of these things just doesn't belong...

Do you remember that skit from Sesame Street?  Well I do, and now I have the nifty little jingle stuck in my head.  Anyway, today was Nolan's last day of school so his class had a field trip to the park.  They got to play on the playground, blow bubbles, shoot silly string, play basketball, shoot water guns…good times good times.  Well in an effort to keep the kids in order and easy to pick out they are all supposed to wear their school t-shirts.  Sounds simple right?  Wellllllll.  This morning Nolan woke up and we of course were in a mad hurry to get ready to go so I sent him to the bathroom to do his thing while I got Bennett out of bed.  Then I hear this…"Moooooom, my shirt is all wet".  Not exactly what you want to hear 2 minutes before you are supposed to be walking out the door.  So I ran in there and he is holding his shirt showing me the large wet corner!  I said shouted "WHAT DID YOU DO", and nonchalantly he said "I dropped it in the toilet, and there was pee in there".  Awesome.  In his defense the school gave him like the last leftover shirt and it was about 10 sizes too big, but I still didn't think it would land in the toilet!  So we changed his shirt scrubbed his hands and were out the door.  I think he just wanted to stand out amongst the crowd, he's a leader that boy.

I thought I would also share what Nolan gave his teacher.  
I would really like to know what people did before Pinterest, because my dear they have some spectacular ideas! 

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