Monday, May 7, 2012

One Day

One day I vow to invent something amazing, something that you simply can't live without.  Something like…puffs.  I mean seriously whoever invented these things should go down in the Guinness Book of World Records as the smartest person alive (or possibly dead).  Move over Albert Einstein because you've got nothing on this guy, whoever that guy/girl might be.  I realize puffs are just a glorified Cheerio I do, but something about the fact that it has the Gerber brand on it makes me think it is somehow better and there is no way it could ever harm my child.  I mean have you seen an article about a baby choking on puffs…nope didn't think so.  You probably haven't seen an article on one choking on Cheerios either though.  So apparently not only should the inventor of puffs be celebrated, the Gerber marketing team needs a round of applause as well.  

Why are they so great you ask?  Because they will entertain any newly eating child for a really long time. I'm talking we can go out to dinner and eat in peace kind of time.  Bennett loves these things, as did Nolan.  Although I have to say Bennett is much better at eating them than Nolan was at this age.  Nolan took the whole handful approach whereas Bennett is pretty good with his little pinchers and goes for one at a time…really savoring the moment.  The glorious quiet, peaceful, calm moment.  Thank you Puffs Inventor Guy you have my never-ending respect.  

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