Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3 going on 13

It's totally happening, Nolan is becoming a teenager.  Here was my conversation walking out of school yesterday:

Me:  Did you have a good day today?
Nolan: Yes
Me:  What did you do?
Nolan (stopping dead in his tracks, throwing his hands in the air):  Why do you always have to ask me the same questions?
Me: Because I want to know what you do each day.
Nolan:  I do the same thing.  I play.  That's it.

Lovely, something tells me I will be having this same conversation with him for the next 10 years.  Can't wait.  Maybe tomorrow I'll open with "I met Darth Vader today, what did you do?"...perhaps that will grab his attention.

Fast forward to this evening when we decided to go on a nice walk as one big happy family.  Yes, Nolan is definitely sporting a Wolverine mask on this walk.  Choose your battles people, choose your battles.  Anyway, Nolan was being less than desirable on his little bike on this particular evening.  He tends to get distracted VERY easily.  Stopping for every stick, leaf or crack that he sees.

Eventually we made it to the destination…eventually.  And moments like these, when I'm sure Nolan is saying something totally inappropriate (I can tell by the look on Chad's face), make it all worth it…

And then this conversation transpired…

Chad:  Nolan it's time to go home.  Mom and Dad are leaving without you, I guess you can go live with another family.
Nolan (pointing): Well there's another family, I can go with them.

I'm glad we are so irreplaceable in Nolan's eyes.

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