Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Just A Ninja, Trying to Sleep

Ahh, Memorial Day Weekend.  It always brings lots of fun and lots of randomness.  I have to start with this post because honestly it was just really funny.  I'll continue with the "cute" pictures of all the kids and all that jazz later, this is WAY more important.

So Chad's older brother has a tendency to pass out fall asleep after a long day of festivities.  This is not the first, nor the last I'm sure, of pictures I will have of Billy sleeping upright in a chair while the party goes on around him.  Well on this particular evening the joke was on him.  As he caught up on his "Z's" his family decided to mess with him and paint his toenails a lovely pink color.  Eric "allegedly" was the culprit, and according to these pictures I think the jig is up!  Sorry Eric, I'm a reporter just here to give the people the facts.

When Billy woke up it took him a while to notice his beautiful toes but they certainly did not go unappreciated.  He then sat back down in his chair looked up at his lovely wife and sighed "I'm just a ninja, trying to sleep".  And he was serious!  How dare we mess with a ninja!!  Gosh I love this family and all the ridiculousness that comes along with them.

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