Monday, March 19, 2012

Sea of Green…and a splash of Pink!

This past weekend we participated in a St. Patrick's Day 7k.  Yep, not a typo folks that was a "we" in that sentence.  Chad somehow convinced me that this was going to be some good old family fun and believe it or not he was right.  Chad actually ran the race, and I walked it with my friend Jessie and our two little sidekicks.  Now I will say Jessie and I did run SOME of the race.  You know the parts where people were taking our pictures, or when there was a nice long hill, or at a point we thought MAYBE our husbands would catch a glimpse of our stellar running skills!  Here is a little evidence of the race, please note that everyone is sporting their St. Patrick's Day green where I opted for the bright pink Wonder Woman shirt.  What can I say I'm a leader…not a follower.  I thought it might bring me some Super Powers at the race and let's be honest Nolan loves the dumb shirt so I thought he would think it would be cool to see me cross the finish line in all my Superhero glory.

The top left picture is the "before" picture and the bottom right is the after.  I mean nothing screams accomplishment like crossing the finish line and drinking a beer!  Oh, and the oh so cute little guys were complete angels.  They checked out the crowd for the first 15 minutes or so and then slept the rest of the way!  

After the race there was a parade.  Nolan was not so interested in the parade, but he was excited to see his cousins and play with his "rub-bands"(those dumb rubber bracelets that are shaped like things).  I adore the top left picture.  That is Collin, Nolan's older cousin, he was making sure Nolan didn't dart into any parade traffic and also making sure he got some treats in his bag.  Collin is amazing with Nolan, he always watches out for him and includes him even though he is so much younger.  Makes my heart melt and Nolan's heart happy, we are so lucky.

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