Friday, March 2, 2012

Real Men Wear Pink

I feel like I cheated on myself today.  I sucked it up and took the boys to a studio to get their pictures taken.  It felt dirty and wrong, but I like how the pictures turned out so I'll just have to suck it up I guess.  It's hard in the Winter for me to take their pictures inside, I wish I had a studio (Chad are you reading this?).  But I don't, so I had to do it right?  Right.  Anyway, my real intention was to simply get ONE picture taken of Bennett for his "6 month" picture.  You know how that goes though, you go in and get totally sucked in by the cuteness of your children and leave the place with enough pictures to wallpaper a small cottage with.  That is certainly what happened today.  Even Nolan wanted his picture taken, you read that right Nolan asked to get his picture taken.  And who am I to refuse this privilege to him?  I'm all for it if he wants to cooperate with pictures, he even put on the pink shirt :)  

Bennett did get a little extra love though, and by that I mean an outfit change.  I mean the intent of this whole adventure was to get pictures of him!  Looking pretty dapper don't you think?

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