Friday, March 23, 2012

Grandpa's Birthday Bash

A few weeks ago there was a little get together for Chad's Grandpa for his birthday.  He's such a sweet sweet man so it is no shock that his birthday party was well attended!  When I get to be his age I hope this many people show up for my shindig (Chad I think that means we need to have approximately 4 more kids!). 

Here is a picture of the whole crew (minus me…someone has to take the picture right!)

There is something about this picture that I love.  I think it's the expression on Grandpa's face, he looks so happy with Bennett on his lap.  

I love this one too.  The man of the hour with all of his girls (and his beer)!

A few party pics…

I know the party looks pretty tame and the kids all seem so well behaved.  Let me show you what was really going on outside…

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