Monday, March 19, 2012

Dear Jack

Dear Jack,

My Mom tells me I'm giving you a real run for your money when it comes to my luscious locks.  I think that's A-OK because honestly I think you're a pretty cool cat so I don't mind following in your footsteps.  Personally I think the ladies will love it, am I right?  You are a few years older than me though so if you want to pass down any secrets for taming the fro I'd appreciate it!

Your Friend,

We went to the park tonight and it was pretty windy which was a little entertaining with Bennett's fuzzy hair and it TOTALLY reminded me of some pictures of our buddy Jack when he got caught in the wind one day….

Pretty awesome right?  Well here is Bennett, his hair isn't quite as long yet but when it catches the wind and sun JUST RIGHT…it can get pretty interesting!

But man isn't he cute….

I believe he is saying here…"What are YOU looking at?"

Enjoy it now, after Chad sees these pictures I'm sure the next stop will be the barber shop for this kiddo. 
Dad's can be so lame.

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