Monday, November 28, 2011

Takhomasak? Don't mind if we do!

I'm here to document Bennett's first Thanksgiving.  It was a little "non-conventional" I would say, but rather enjoyable.  My mom had to work so we decided we would surprise her and bring lunch to her at the hospital.  Those of you that know me well enough know that I'm not exactly a "chef" so I leaned on my good old friend Steak N Shake for some help.  So here it is in all it's glory…our Thanksgiving Feast!  (Mom please note the Thanksgiving bib that I did not forget to put on could I after you reminded me 12 times?).

I may or may not have pulled the whole "I know you're going to be mad, but I want to take their picture before we leave" bit as we were walking out the door (late as usual) for our Thanksgiving Feast with Chad's side of the family.  Chad sucked it up and humored me, we went on the porch snapped about 5 pictures, crossed our fingers that one would be okay and off we went.

Bennett did "okay" at his first big family holiday gathering.  He doesn't so much "love" a big crowd, but as long as Mom or Dad were holding him he was good to go…can you say spoiled?  I like to think he is just a natural leader, knows what he wants and how to get it.  Just you wait….Bennett for President in 2065.

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