Tuesday, November 22, 2011


1.  The Fear Of Missing Out
2.  To believe if you do not attend an event you will miss out on something fabulous
3.  Used in a sentence: Even though I have no interest in the movie Breaking Dawn (or any vampire movie for that matter), I must go see it because I have a severe case of F.O.M.O.

So I admit it, I went and saw Breaking Dawn.  I've yet to read one of the Twilight books and I was definitely that annoying girl sitting in the theater asking question after question (what's his name? are they related? what is imprinting? is that werewolf seriously talking?)  But I have a disease called F.O.M.O. that makes me do crazy things like this.  In my defense there was also shopping and dinner involved in this excursion…admit it you all would have gone too.  Another allure of this little adventure was the fact that we went to a fancy schmancy theater where you get your own heated recliner, a waitress, full menu and drum roll please….alcohol.  I can not lie the experience was awesome, the movie itself...not so much.

So here we are.  I told everyone to look excited.  Why do I look like the only one that listened to me?  And THEY are actually fans.  The next two pictures are me embracing the experience.  When in Rome, right?

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