Friday, November 11, 2011

Smelling the Roses

I remember when Nolan started hitting all of the milestones I would get really excited and start thinking about the next milestone.  He rolled over…when will he sit up?  He sat up…when will he crawl?  He crawled…when will he pull up?  You get the picture.  Well yesterday Bennett rolled over for the first time and I had a totally different reaction.  Don't get me wrong I am excited that he is developing, yada yada yada.  But part of me just wanted to block him.  This time around I know how fast they grow up and I know that if he's rolling today that means soon he'll be sitting up, and then he'll be crawling and then he'll start to pull up.  If he's doing all of these things then before I know it he won't be my little baby anymore and that makes me sad.  So what is the point of all my rambling today?  My point is that sometimes you just need to stop and smell the roses and take it all in before you blink and your kids are all grown up (insightful right?).  So today I'm just going to sit here and watch my little baby while he's still my little baby.

I attempted to take a video of Bennett rolling over, but all he did was sit there and stare at the camera and make some cute baby noises so that video will have to wait until he can roll on command I suppose.  I was told the other day though that no one wants to read a blog without pictures so I guess I'll add a random picture just so I don't piss off any readers! Here is a picture of Bennett from this past weekend, can anyone guess where we were?  The picture of Bennett in his car seat doesn't give it away?  I guess you'll have to come back to find out!

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