Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Lesson in Sharing

The other night Nolan was in an exceptionally good mood and he was playing happily with his cars, gleefully zooming all around the kitchen.  I thought it might be a good opportunity for a nonchalant life lesson in sharing.  Here's how it went down...

Me:  Looks like you're having fun with all your cars, do you think someday Bennett will want to play cars with you?

Nolan:  I think he will, that would be fun.

Me:  You'll have to share your cars with him when he gets a little bit older, don't you think?

Nolan:  Sure I will (curiously looking at the cars in his hand)...he can have the pink one.

Nolan has no problem sharing his toys, as long as it's a toy he doesn't want.  Example:  if we play guys I always get the guy without a head or with a broken limb.  I'm thinking this same sharing tactic is going to flow down to baby brother.  Bennett will forever be plagued with broken guys and pink cars.

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