Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Newest Peanut

Poor Connor, he's less than 2 weeks old and I've already had my camera in his face twice!  He's going to hate me when he gets a little older, but for now he's a sweet sleeping little boy who doesn't seem to mind me or really even notice I'm there.

I visited Connor at his home yesterday so that we could catch him in his natural environment and snag a few pictures of his designer room.  When I say designer room this is an understatement as you will soon find out.  Connor is one lucky buckaroo ;)

Alright, first things first.  Here is a little collage of pictures I put together of things that I don't want Jessie and Kevin to ever forget about their little bundle of joy.  His floppy ears, wrinkly skin, little feet, glistening eyes and frankly just how small he actually was.

Just a few of my favorites from the session (in no particular order)…

Ahh, those blissful parents again.  Don't they just look happy?  It's like they are actually sleeping or something.

And here are some pictures of that designer room I talked about.  You'll see it's a little cowboy's dream, inclusive of a customized barn door!  Seriously is there anything this kid doesn't have?  Hopefully my kids never visit his room...they will feel very deprived.

See now when I titled this post "The Newest Peanut" I was foreshadowing.  Golly I'm clever.  This last picture is just to prove that I'm not the only one that dresses their kid in ridiculous costumes for Halloween! The picture on the left is how Connor really felt about his peanut costume, the one on the right is him calmed down after his mom bribed him with milk (not the last time bribery will be used to get her way I am sure).

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