Monday, December 28, 2015

Trunk or Treat

This is the annual Trunk or Treat at Nolan's school.  We had AMAZING weather and the boys had an absolute blast (the adults might have had some fun too).  It's really fun to see Nolan interacting with his friends these days.  They are all boy and want pretty much nothing to do with the girls, but the girls seem to be pretty goggly eyed over the boys.  We were standing at our trunk getting it ready and a group of little girls came by and said "hiiiiiiiiii Nolan", in the flirtiest way a 6 year old can and it was adorable.  Nolan of course ignored them.   And so it begins.

This year I again let the boys pick whatever they wanted to be for Halloween (it's getting a little easier as the years go by, but it still pains me a little).  Nolan picked Messi (he's a soccer player...I didn't know either) and Bennett picked the Gold Power Ranger.  Both adorable if I do say so myself!

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