Saturday, December 12, 2015

Apple Picking

It has been a few years since we have been able to squeeze in Apple Picking in our very busy Fall schedule, but this year I was DETERMINED to make it happen and luckily so was my friend Kellie. At the last minute we decided one Friday afternoon that we were going to go to Eckert's after work.  We knew it was going to be tough to get there in time to do some stuff in the daylight, but we thought it would be worth the hassle and boy were we right.  We hit the crowds just right and pretty much had the place to ourselves for about two hours.  The kids were able to ride all the rides and do all the activities multiple times with ease.  We even stuck around for the "haunted" hayride in the evening where I proceeded to traumatize my children.  What fun would it be if the entire trip was perfect right? And now you know the root cause of why my children may never go on a hayride again. ..ever.

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