Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reality Check

I promised some bloopers of my little calendar project and I am here to deliver just that.  I can't lie, I think the outtakes are better than the actual shots I used…perhaps I should make them into a collage as well.  Not tonight though, I'm feeling lazy so you're just going to have to wade through the millions of pictures I am about to post.

This is just a little glimpse of some of my photo-shoots with Mr. B and everything I was dealing with (now you'll see why I should have run out and bought some stock in Deodorant prior to this little journey).

A crying baby…

A large animal…

A screaming baby…

A baby that wants to sit...

A baby that wants to crawl…

A teething baby…

A standing baby…

A confused baby (with large chicklets for teeth)... 

A curious baby...

A tired baby...

An assistant who didn't get out of the way in time…

A happy baby that is finally DONE with this project...

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