Monday, August 20, 2012

A Year in the Making

IT IS OVER!  I have never been so happy to finish a project in my life I don't think.  I set out on a journey to do one picture a month of Bennett peacefully laying on a calendar to display what he looked like each month of his first year.  Easy right?  WRONG!  Turns out after like month 3 he decided he wasn't going to just lay there anymore.  The project got a little more intense with each passing month.  I soon started dreading the 16th of every month (okay maybe it didn't ALWAYS happen on the 16th, but we can pretend right?).  Chad says its because I'm "too picky"…whatever that's supposed to mean!  He seems to think it is simple, all you have to do is snap a picture and move on.  I guess he can take over these types of projects in the future, so be sure to check back in a year for that one!

I will post the finished collage now and maybe tomorrow I'll post a few of my "outtakes" just to show you the obstacles I had to overcome each month.  I'm sure you are all on pins and needles, so without further adieu…

Bennett's First Year…on a Calendar

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