Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Do you all of the sudden have a catchy Kris Kross song in your head?  If not you totally need to head back to the early nineties and get back to me on how AWESOME it was.  Thankfully though, Kris Kross (while awesome) is not the point of this post.

I have totally neglected to share any pictures from our little vacation to the lake.  I think I was overwhelmed with the mass quantities of pictures I took.  I can't help it, I just really can't.  So I decided to start small and maybe just break it up a bit.  So today, drum roll please, I present you with an amazing group of cousins who were able to pull off the "group jump" like the best of them.  Even if you weren't able to follow my walk down nostalgia lane with the Kris Kross song, I KNOW these pictures will throw you back to your childhood where you too tried to pull off the synchronized jump.   Not sure you were quite as successful as this bunch though!

Please note how big Nolan looks in these pictures.  I mean besides the fact that he is standing next to the Resident Giant (Collin), does he not look WAY older than 3?  Running off the dock?  Seriously!  I can't take it.  (I realize he will be 4 very shortly, but for now I'm in denial and he is only 3)

 I turned these pictures to black and white for multiple reasons…

1.  I was competing with a very busy background so it helped bring attention to the kids
2.  I thought it brought out the emotions on the kids faces better
3.  (real reason) The lake is DISGUSTING and it made me want to vomit a little realizing we actually swam in that green/brown water!

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