Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A First

Well, recently every "first" on this blog has been about Mr. B.  First food, first tooth, first steps...okay maybe we are still waiting on that last one!  Anyway, this first is not about Mr. B at all...this is about Nolan.  At the lake he was pretty adventurous this year and he headed out on the tube for the first time!  Uncle Bill showed him and Reid the ropes while Chad played Captain of the boat.  Here he is in all of his tubing glory, doesn't he look so happy? 

 My mom will more than likely FREAK when she sees the below pictures of Nolan on the tube sans adult...but we have to give him wings at some point right?  And lets be honest, I'm fairly certain I could have swam faster than the boat was moving.  Well maybe not now, but in my prime I totally could have.  You know when I was breaking records at Park Charles Pool for the 25 meter Butterfly.  Yes yes, I was seven.  But gosh darnit, I was fast!

Nolan loved tubing so much his comment to Collin while on the tube was:
 "Tubing is so much fun, even more fun than watching Rio."  I mean WOW…that's fun.  

And then we let the old pros have a turn.  They go for a little more speed which also means the occasional wipe out!


  1. 1. I love these pictures.
    2. That lens is awesome.
    3. Your not too bad either.
    4. These put Monkey Sweat to shame.
    5. Can I have some of these?

  2. 1. Thank you…I kind of love them too.
    2. The lens actually sucks, hoping to replace soon…
    3. Did it hurt to compliment me like that?
    4. Monkey Sweat is awesome…Chad discovered it last night too. Wanted to know why you refer to Bill as "big guns".
    5. Absolutely, i'll put them on smugmug.


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