Friday, August 24, 2012


This first birthday seems to be lasting forever I realize, but you only turn one once right?  So we are totally living it up in this house (and we are dragging others down with us).  I have a few friends that all have kids around the same age as Bennett, meaning they all just turned one within the past two months.  What better way to celebrate than with a cake smashing party, am I right?  I'm not sure why I continue to torture myself with these big ideas I have, but then when I look at these pictures and laugh just thinking about the craziness of it all, I somehow think it's all worth it. 

Warning:  There are a lot of pictures in this post.  
Double Warning:  There will more than likely be another post with more pictures.
Deal with it.

It all started out with three simple cakes…

Add three adorable babies...

UH OH, babies on the loose.  Apparently cake was only appealing to one of them…

Well if they don't want it...


Approximately 20 seconds into the photoshoot Thomas stood up and butt-bombed his cake, so the rest of the pictures will truly be cake SMASHING pictures...

I stand corrected, they will be pictures of babies getting away from the cake smashing...

Thomas officially had enough, he was D-O-N-E (but this one is maybe my favorite picture)...

Violet and Bennett were on their own at this point...

Hmmm, what should we do with these?

I guess we should eat them?

Shhh, don't tell my Dad I ate this cake...

Well here we were with 3 cakes and only 2 babies to eat them, and that was unsat.  Thankfully Connor was there to sit in for Thomas in his time of need.  Although Connor is not quite 10 months yet, he held his own in the cake eating department...

Synchronized cake throwing, maybe if it catches on it will be a new Olympic sport.  
Connor might  have to try out for the team again AFTER he turns one…

Everyone enjoying their cake...

Bennett:  What are you laughing at?

Thomas decided he would come back for some more "fun", but realized his cake had been overtaken...

And finally, the MONEY shot!  All four kids were present.  Were they happy?  Eh…it's questionable!

And if you think this photoshoot was easy, please see the below "behind the scenes" video for proof that it most definitely WAS NOT!

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