Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Where the Imagination Runs Wild

No, I'm not that clever that is the actual tagline for the City Museum…I think.  And honestly they couldn't be more spot on.  If you've never been to the City Museum you really need to put it on your list of things to do, whether you have kids or are a kid at heart it is incredible.  I will give you a small disclaimer though…this place is flat out dangerous.  There are little crevices to fall in, sharp objects to fall against…all in all it's a mother's nightmare.  But it's so fun you just have to get over it.  Chad conveniently told me AS WE WERE LEAVING that multiple children die here every year.  Not sure what his source of information is, but he reads a lot of news on the internet (and everything on the internet is true) so I'll believe him.  I guess we'll never be going back.

Just to prove that we were living on the wild side, here are a few pictures of the "oh so safe" museum.  Basically the rule at the City Museum is if you can fit in it, it's fair game.  A big huge jungle gym basically, unfortunately my 3 year old is a lot smaller than I am and he can fit in all sorts of interesting places.  Note the picture on the bottom, Nolan crawled underneath some sculpture and Chad had to follow.  You can see Chad's shoes sticking out and Nolan's wee little head sticking out from yet another little hole underneath.  Woohoo for Chad and his skinny self for following him around.  Words to the wise:  don't wear any sort of low rise jean to this place, no one wants to see your underwear I promise you.  Knee pads might be nice too, just saying.

And here are some things that make the place so neat, from left to right….
1.  What can I say, we love the poke your head through the art pictures in this family.
2.  You can wear a 3 year old out in NO TIME, sliding down ramps, running from his parents, going down slides…HEAVEN.
3.  Enough visual stimulation to keep a 4 month old happy (although I wouldn't recommend bringing one if you don't have to ;))
4.  Cool things to climb on/in.
5.  Cool things to take pictures of (that's me in the mirror in case you were wondering if I was on this trip or not).
6.  And if all else fails a little train for the kiddos, makes every kid smile.

Then we came to the HUGE ball pit, and honestly Nolan would have stayed out here all day but it was COOOOOOOOLD outside so we made him come in eventually.

We even got the whole family in for this little party, woohoo for the City Museum!

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