Monday, December 12, 2011

Loving Life

I met Michelle about seven years ago when I started at Boeing.  After I passed the "trial period" she decided I was cool enough to have lunch with on Fridays.  This was big folks, this meant I now got to leave the Boeing premises and have lunch with her and Kellie (surely the innocent bystander in all of this).  I mean it's one thing to have lunch everyday in the cafeteria, but getting to go out that is a PRIVILEDGE with a capital P.  Who would have known all those years ago we would still be having the majority of our Friday lunches together, but now we share those lunches with some very special people.  You see now our fridays are full of superheroes, dirt and rowdy little boys.  We are sure to take full advantage of our day off with our little boys and now we have two new additions.  Trey gained a little brother, and Nolan and Bennett gained a new friend.  We couldn't be more excited for Friday play dates!

So total shocker, my friend had a baby and it's a BOY.  I can't believe it can you?  This little guy, and I use the term little very loosely, is just too cute.  Spencer John weighed in at 10lbs 7oz!!!  That was not a typo my friends, I say it's just more to love more to love.  I've talked to Michelle a few times since his arrival and  the only word I can use to describe her is blissful.  I mean seriously like out of a movie elated to have this little guy in her arms, her exact words were "I'm loving life".  I couldn't say it better Michelle,  congratulations and welcome Spencer John!

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