Friday, December 9, 2011

Hurry…Go Thank Your Mothers

I decided one day that Nolan needed a "project."  Never good, never good.  Chad for some reason agreed with me on this particular day (or he just wanted to shut me up, fine line).  Anyway, we decided that we would make some Christmas cookies.  You know the cut out ones that all kids love to decorate with a ton of icing and a mound of sprinkles?  Mistake, BIG mistake.  Who knew these cookies were such a royal pain in the rear-end to make?  Our mothers that's who.  So for all you kiddos out there that have ever had a Mom that made you cut out cookies and then proceeded to let you decorate them…run, run really fast and thank them.  This is definitely going to have to be a tradition that is executed by the Grandmas because I'm pretty sure it's the last time it happens at our house. Did that sound scroogeish?  I mean don't get me wrong it was fun, Nolan really liked the cutting out process.  But let's be honest we can do that part a heck of a lot easier with some Play Doh.  Speaking of Play Doh please note we were using a Play Doh rolling pin for this project.  Obviously not bakers around here, didn't even realize I didn't have a rolling pin.  Don't judge, it was just  the right size for my little chef.

This ended up being a two day process for us, note the two different outfits (shout out to Aunt Stephanie for the sweet tie dye shirt that Nolan made at his cousin's birthday party and now won't stop wearing, I'll be sure to return the favor someday).  I mean seriously let me break this down for you.  Make dough.  Chill dough.  Roll out dough.  Cut out dough.  Roll out more dough.  Cut out more dough.  Repeat.  Bake.  Cool Cookies.  Make Icing.  Color Icing.  Set up bowls of icing and sprinkles.  Wrangle 3 year old.  3 year old ices three cookies.  3 year old eats three cookies.  Mom proceeds to decorate the rest of the humongous batch of cookies by herself (cookies she doesn't even really like!).  Oh and then clean up, can't forget that.  Next time we are getting store bought cookies. Period.  

Mr. Bennett oversaw this activity for us.  Dreaming of the day he too can have icing...with a little bit of cookie.

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