Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I'm scared to death of you, but I would really like Optimus Prime and Megatron for Christmas please.


Hopefully Santa is a follower of this blog otherwise Nolan might be one disappointed fella come Christmas morning.  We attempted the Santa visit not once, but twice folks and to no avail.  Nolan still has yet to sit on Santa's lap, or even stand next to him without screaming for that matter.  Bennett on the other hand is getting in good with Mr. C so he should be good to go with all of his Christmas wishes.

So I guess we'll start from the beginning.  Nolan told us he wanted to go talk to Santa and since he was the one that initiated this meeting Chad and I quickly scooped up the kiddos and were out the door. Surely this meant he was actually going to talk to Santa, right?  So we got to good old Bass Pro which is a winter wonderland really and Nolan wouldn't even step foot in the area that contained all of the wintery goodness.  This is as far as he got….

I even used Bennett as bait (sorry Bennett, I know if it were up to you you would have tried to help too).  I sat Bennett up on Santa's lap and tried to convince Nolan that he wasn't hurting Bennett so surely he wouldn't hurt him either…nothing.  So here is Bennett's first trip to meet Santa….

Okay, on to round two.  Nolan again told us he wanted to see Santa.  This time he conveniently picked the busiest Saturday of the season, but again we scooped the boys up and were out the door.  Thankfully Grandpa and Grandma Struckmann were out doing a little Christmas shopping and stood in line for us for a bit before we got there.  Nolan stood in line for quite a while, saw Santa from a distance...seemed okay.  He found a fishing pole and decided he wanted to show Santa the fishing pole and ask him for it for Christmas.  Brilliant really, can't screw it up if he has a visual aid right?  So here are the boys in line anxiously awaiting their visit….

And then it happened.  It was our turn finally.  I don't think this picture needs much explaining.

So again Bennett got a solo visit with Santa.  They are getting to be good buddies this year. (someone needs to remind Santa that he should be looking at the camera at all times so that when the 4 month old baby actually looks that way they might both be looking at the camera, just a thought that might make it's way to a suggestion box)

I've pondered this whole "scared of Santa Claus" thing quite a bit.  It intrigues me a little as he is just an old man.  It's not like he's scary, or mean, or unnatural looking or even an oversized animal (like the Easter Bunny that Chad says I ruined Nolan with).  He looks like a Grandpa!  A really fun Grandpa for that matter.  To be honest there are a lot of other things that are way scarier than Santa.  How about the dead stuffed reindeer?  Or the tiny little elf that kind of resembles chucky?  Santa Claus really?  That's the thing kids are scared of?

So I guess that sums up our Santa visits for the year.  Everyone keeps asking me if we'll go back again, and to be honest I don't know that we will.  If Nolan is really adamant about going then we might.  All I really want every year is a picture that has the boys and Santa in it, whether it's a jolly old time or not is really irrelevant.  Any memory is a good memory, so this is the picture I'm claiming as our "2011 Visit with Santa"…Nolan looks a little less freaked out in it at least!

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