Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bring on the Mess

We all knew the day would come.  The day we would have to break out the Bumbo, the bibs and the cereal and start feeding this kid some real food (if you can even really call it that).  Not gonna lie I put it off a bit just because I knew it would be such a mess and honestly it's so much easier to just feed your kid a bottle.  Is it cool to send them to Kindergarten with a bottle?  No?

So here is Bennett's first take on real food.  Look at that boy giddy with anticipation!

We got some mixed reviews I'm not gonna lie.  At first he was not so sure…

Then he started to think this was A-OK!

And of course every kid loves a good clean-up crew...

Next thing you know I'll be making him some delicious homemade baby food.  You read that right folks, this chick got a Baby Bullet for Christmas.  The box says and I quote…"Just wholesome food that your baby will enjoy…because it was made with love!"  They have obviously never tasted my cooking.  Chad thinks I won't use it, and honestly I doubt myself sometimes too.  I'm merely writing it in this blog to hold myself accountable.  Bring on the sweet potatoes!

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