Friday, December 30, 2016

Nolan's 8th Birthday

This year we were in Disney for Nolan's birthday (I know, he's spoiled) so we decided to go a little more low key for his birthday.  And by "we" I really mean "me".  But Nolan was thrilled with the idea of having a couple of his school buddies over for a sleepover.  Yes you read that right, I had seven boys at my house spending the night and it was my idea!  We had a pretty packed itinerary, per the birthday boy.  First we had pizza, then went to Rockin' Jump, went and got ice cream at Dairy Queen and then the boys all came back and played hockey and soccer, built Quixels (some more appropriate than others) and watched a movie.  All in all, it actually went really well and most importantly was pretty easy on the Mom this year.  I got one group pic and then I didn't bug them the rest of the night (Nolan is growing up...and so am I).  Happy Birthday Nolan, I hope your party was everything you wanted it to be and more!

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