Sunday, December 18, 2016

Disney Adventures II

Our first day at the parks and we went ALL IN.  We started the day at Animal Kingdom, and rounded out the night at Magic Kingdom for Not So Scary Halloween.  Motto: Go Big or Go Home.  We had a great day at both parks.  We had our dinner reservations ready, fast passes loaded and were ready to go.  We almost looked like we knew what we were doing!  One of our first stops for the day was to meet the mouse.  We had come all this way so he was definitely at the top of our list.  I had told myself over and over before we left, if you get just one picture with the kids and a character you will be happy. I said it over and over so that I would start to believe it.  You see my kids have never been fond of mascots or characters, in fact for many years they were scared of them.  Fast forward to this trip and they could not get enough.  We got them autograph books and I think they felt like it was a Scavenger Hunt or something to see how many characters we could meet.  Enter Happy Mom!  I mean what makes for a cuter picture than an excited kid and a Disney character?  Nothing, that's what.  So strap in, there are going to be a few of those in the next few posts.

After we explored Animal Kingdom we headed back to the hotel to get ready for Not So Scary Halloween.  We had been warned that most people dressed up, so in an effort to embrace the magic we did bring "costumes".  We indulged in the Star Wars theme, with very little effort.  But hey, we looked festive!  At Not So Scary Halloween we were able to do a little trick-or-treating but more importantly I think the kids were impressed with the fact that there were zero lines for any of the rides.  So we definitely took advantage of the situation and went on quite a few rides.  We also were able to take in one of the parades and an amazing fireworks show to end the night.  Day 1 at the parks proved to be nothing short of amazing and the kids were TROOPERS.  We weren't sure how long they would be able to keep up, but so far so good for the first day.  

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