Monday, December 19, 2016

Disney Adventures III

Next stop...Hollywood Studios!  I was pretty excited about this park,  1. Because I had never been here before 2.  Because there were a couple of rides that I wanted to test out myself and 3. Because I thought it would have a few things the boys would really like (think Star Wars...lots of Star Wars).  While at the park we met Chewbacca, where my brother proceeded to speak Shyriiwook with him (that's the language of the Wookiees and yes I had to look that up).  We did some Jedi Training (more on that later) and even met Pluto and Jake.  For those of you planning a trip I will give you some tips.  Our favorite rides were definitely Toy Story Mania and the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster.  The Jedi Training is a must and Fantasmic at night is definitely a sight to see!  Hollywood Studios is definitely a smaller park, but worth the trip.  It was a definite little boy (and adult) crowd pleaser.

Next up was a "Jedi Training" session that you can sign up for when you get to the park.  I really had no idea what this meant, but it sounded fun so we bit.  So glad we did...CUTEST THING EVER (which also equals 1 million pictures).  Basically all the kids go on stage and learn how to fight the bad guys, then while they are on stage the bad guys come out for them to each fight individually.  At our session it was none other than...Darth Vader.  Well when Darth Vader walked out Bennett was not a fan.  I have to admit though, this dude was HUGE and scary.  So needless to say Bennett did not go through with the fight, but the other two boys utilized their new jedi skills to successfully take down DV himself.  Heroes among us I tell you what.  

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