Sunday, December 7, 2014

Napa Part 1

We recently took a little trip to Napa Valley.  There were 6 couples, 1 large house, 1 creepy 15 passenger van and a million awesome memories made.  The trip was fantastic.  A huge shout out to Kevin Lord who basically planned the whole thing.  Couldn't have done it better myself and thanks to Kevin I didn't even have to try!  We spent basically three full days in different parts of wine country each day full of multiple wineries, a fun lunch and then back home to sit around the fire until the wee hours of the morning.  It was blissful.  Blissful that is until I went to download my pictures from the trip and realized that my memory card was corrupted.  Out of the 600 pictures I took I ended up with about 120 that were salvageable.  Lucky for you because now you don't have to see an obscene amount of pictures from the trip, but sad for me because I know how awesome that lost footage was.  Okay that's it, that's the last time I'm going to complain about it (today).  At least I still have some, I should be thankful.  Yes, thankful that's how I'm feeling right now for sure.

So here is our first day.  We went to four wineries : Mayo, Arrowood, VJB and B.R.Cohn.  They all offered a little bit something different.  My favorite was definitely VJB.  This is the spot we stopped for lunch.  They had a table all set ready for us when we got there and then they served us food "family style" and paired it with wines.  The real winner, the main course!  I was in heaven.  Wine and Pizza, does it get any better?  I think not.

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