Saturday, December 20, 2014

Trunk or Treat

 Once we got back from Napa there was no time to rest.  We jumped right into all of the Halloween festivities.  This year we had a new addition...Trunk or Treat.  I can't lie, I think I'm a fan of Trunk or Treat.  The adults get to stand around and talk while the kids run around and get a ton of candy.  What could be bad about that?  They also had a parade and a DJ which added a nice little touch.  I'm thinking Trunk or Treat is going to be added to the list of traditions for this household, if nothing else it's one more excuse for the boys to wear their costumes which is always a plus in their books!  This year I laid low with the decorating of my trunk, I just used leftover decorations from Bennett's birthday party.  I used this year to check out my competition.  Next on.

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