Friday, March 22, 2013

What We're Up to

Not a whole lot going on these days.  We're cold, and bored, and cranky, and bored…did I mentioned bored?  I am so ready for Spring it is not even funny.  I'm ready to open up the back door and shove escort the kids out.  We caught a SMALL glimpse of Spring last Friday and it was G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S!  Yet this week we were back to freezing temperatures and boredom.  But in case you were wondering what we were up to even if it is boring, here you go (instagram style)…


 1.  We're soaking up the sun…when we can.
2.  We're sitting in Time Out…often.
3.  We're getting ready for our first soccer game.
4.  We're taking on projects that we probably shouldn't.
5.  We're building anything we can get our hands on…legos, marble contraptions and forts.
6.  We're celebrating Chad's birthday.
7.  We're having fun Friday dates…at the mall.
8.  We're wrestling in the Dr's office…though I told the Dr we were break dancing.  You pick.

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