Thursday, February 16, 2012

Will you be my valentine?

Nolan had his first school party on Tuesday.  Chad and I were out of town.  Imagine my disappointment.  No seriously, I was a little devastated.  I had an overwhelming amount of Mom Guilt thinking Nolan would be the only kid in class without his mom there for the party.  I'm not sure if that was true or not, and to be honest I don't want to know.  I do know that he told me it was a "Girl Party" and his logic could be based on a few different scenarios: 

1.  His class is stacked with girls (7 to 3)  
2.  It was a Valentines Day party, so it had a lot of pink and hearts 
3.  Everyone's mom was there too, meaning there were an extra amount of girls  

I'm just going to go with #2 and get my self ready for the Easter Party.

The only real information I've gotten out of him about the party is the fact that he ate cookies.  Exciting stuff I know.  He did come home with quite a few trinkets though and he was all sorts of pumped up when I talked to him, so I think his first party was a success.   

His Valentines.

The BEAUTIFUL mailbox he decorated himself.

The precious Valentine he made for his Mom and Dad :)

1 comment:

  1. Nolan's Valentines are the coolest things I've seen! I dont know where you got this idea but I'm going with the fact it was a Darci original and I love it! I'm totally stealing this one day!


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