Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Believe it or not, somedays around our house can be rather boring.  Hard to imagine with a 3 year old and 5 month old I know, but as it turns out even they get tired sometimes.  So this is the scene I will stumble upon sometimes when I walk in from slaving away in the kitchen or folding a never ending pile of laundry (okay, there might be a hint of sarcasm there but I'm sure I was doing something equally as important like maybe blogging).  Anyway, the point is all the boys will be snuggled up together on the couch and it makes me SO jealous of Chad.  The boys seem to fit perfectly in his long lengthy arms laying there on the couch, and when I attempt to do this one of two things happen.  1) Nolan wants nothing to do with sitting still or 2) We toss and turn on the couch but never quite get that perfect fit.  Some day this will be me all snuggled up on the couch, I'm determined.  And you know what? I won't yell at Chad for taking my picture like he does with me…because like I told him "you'll appreciate these pictures one day" and he will.

 But then something happens.  They get up.  And they want to wrestle.  In that moment all of my jealousy slips away and I'm glad I'm not the Dad!

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